i was thinking to wrote sumthing...
but i blank....
i just lay back,laptop at my tummy n tunderstorm....
my head keep spinning like a wheel....
n rocket by yuna cross in my mind....
but deep inside my heart...
want to tell something...
something gonna been happen...
i just curious...
it is bout friend??love??family???
it makin me nut...
lot thing changes my life...
other people thought it was cool...
fine for them...
but not for me...
i agree went people said..
"what goes around.comes around"
maybe today is your day to feel joy...smell of happpiness...
there will come my turn to dance the melodies of happinesss...
i agree i'm not really that happy...
but what else i want to compliant...
i got everything...
single stuff i wanted i have it....
few people act their life was complete...
but not...
i'm feel guilty toward one of my bestfriend...
he there for me when i felt miserable...
n when i felt fun...
thing change....
i miss our moment that we create together...
i'm sorry for thing not make out...
i have unexpected friend...
friend which understanding and appreciate...
when i mad...he how noe to ease me..
when i happy...he happy for me...
when i cry...he will fight for my right...
when i alone...he there for me...
when i broke..he willing to help me...
when he around..he never leave me alone except he have very important thing to settle...
he the who untill today kept his promises about friendship...
he noe his responsibility...
he are really damn good friend..
thank because still kept our secret!!!
moment i wrote this blog...
i feel regret...
i praise the wrong person...
i care much about that person..
but avenge cruelly...
seem i have no feeling...
i'm heartless!!
i am not heartless...
friend cant buy!!!
not easy to find truth friend...
there's with you when you need a shoulder...
giving you a hand when you down...
if you like you being really nice seem like angel...
but if you dislike the person you throw that person like an rubbish..
maybe today are your day...
next are my day...
i use to do this before...
i felt n i regret it...
if you want to insult me...
go ahead it your right...
many type of friend...
many type of attitude...
some of they are plastic
some of they are truth...
"a friend are when ever obstacles or any situation you been through...he/she rather do anything
to help you..not just by word but we can see by eyes n heart".....